Hi, I'm Taylor!

I was born in Seattle and raise in the Greater Seattle area. I did step away to attend North Carolina A&T State University. After I finished school, I came back home to start my adult life, then COVID caused all my plans to shift. During the COVID lockdown I realized I wanted to start taking my love of photography seriously. Photography has been a part of my life since I was a child, as I was constantly wanting to take a picture of something. While in high school I began taking photography classes. My teacher favored photography on a manual camera first, then he introduced us to Digital Signal-Lens Reflex camera (DSLR) and photo editing. I can not thank him enough for everything he has taught me.

Since then I have taken photos for myself and for numerous events. I do consider myself to be a freelance photographer. I enjoy capturing candid pictures, sports photography (especially basketball), pet portraits and many other categories. I focus on capturing subjects in their natural element, so it takes the pressure away from the subject and creates a better moment to capture.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Send a message to [taylors.focus8@gmail.com]